International Conference on
Power Systems Transients

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Past Conferences → EPST 1993

EPST 1993

REPORT ON EPST '93 by M. T. Correia de Barros

A number of copies of the Proceedings from EPST '93, the
First European Conference on Power Systems Transients, are
also available at the price of 7,350 PTE per copy, plus
shipping as above. The EPST '93 Conference Proceedings
include 20 refereed papers and 19 non-refereed papers on
similar topics (273 pages).

Please address your requests to:
Instituto da Energia - INTERG
Av. Rovisco Pais
1096 Lisboa Codex
    tel: +351 1 8484006  fax: +351 1 8484235

Enclose a cheque or money order payable in PTE to:
    "Instituto da Energia - INTERG"